Providing Everything You Need

Grant Writing
Our grant writing workshop teaches you the basics and mechanics of effective grant writing and responds to the strong call for new leaders with the capability to acquire funding for organizational growth, development and sustainability. You will learn how to write grants and how to build relationships with funders, which is vital to acquiring funding.

Reentry Consultation
Consultants for Change, Inc. (CFC) currently implements an evidence-based, gender-responsive and trauma-informed approach to serving the female returning citizens engaged in our program funded by the Justice Grants Administration. Our services include working with women while they are in custody to develop a release plan, collecting data to understand her needs, connecting her to community resources to address those needs, and assessing her progress regularly. We provide supportive services through case management, helping each woman coordinate all of the ongoing services needed to successfully reintegrate into the community.

Consultants for Change offers monthly workshops designed to support the needs of nonprofits and nonprofit leaders. Our goal is to ensure that nonprofits have access to the professional development that will enhance their day to day work. We offer a monthly workshop series and will customize workshops to support your organizational needs. Reach out to us so we can collaborate with you as you build the most effective team and organization that will serve your constituents.